Autumn Light

this hour long practice uses prarthana (invocation), visualization, and prāṇāyama before laying those things more deeply with several shoulder releasing, chest freeing āsana. the hope is that this is a repeated practice for your fall; times are challenging, to be sure, but you have the strength and the wisdom needed. We need your light.

Anuloma Krama

work with the directionality of inhale to set yourself up with the energy, courage, and presence you need for the day. This practice works toward a stepped inhale, exploring your voluntary control of the secondary muscles of respiration. It tends to be hard at first, but you gain more with time.

Gayatri Mantra

The classic Gayatri Mantra is a wonderful way to orient your practice and your heart to the day from a place of devotion, awareness, and responsibility. Practice is a privilege, and with all privileges come responsibility. Meet your dharma with some readiness. This practice includes a variation of virabhadrasana 1 and ends with some backbends; please feel free to use either urdhva dhanurasana or dwi pada pitham.

Morning shoulders

Combine standing postures and shoulder range of motion to facilitate a smooth rich inhale. Rest a few moments in savasana, and end with pranayama focused on long inhale, pause, free exhale. A beautiful way to feel awake, alive, and focused.


explore stability in your legs and pelvis to provide novelty and movement where we tend to not move much at all: the upper back.