Summer retreat 2024, Mariah Nicole Photography
Yoga has become so popular that it is easy to find an āsana class, a teacher training, or a book. However, those places do not offer much guidance in the deep personal psychology of yoga study. This was traditionally passed on from teacher to student over a long course of time. I have been blessed in my life to have received such mentorship and charged with holding that space for others. This is a unique offering in the yoga world: we gather once a week for 1.5 years to discuss how theory meets our personal lives.
We begin book three in July. We’ll meet Sunday mornings at 8 am CST on zoom. Join, here.
Do I need experience? No. If you are here and curious, you’ve got the requistites covered. I ask only that you make the commitment.
Do I have to have done books one and two to study book three? No. This is not a linear text. You can begin anywhere. I frequently review and tie things together. Furthermore, book three is such an under taught book! This is such a valuable opportunity! This is where we talk about long term practice and demystify the teachings of yoga.
What should I expect? We’ll start with a short opening prayer and accessible practice. Then I will present the Sanskrit text along with the models, examples, and principals of oral tradition. Oral tradition isn’t IN the text, but was traditionally handed on with the study of the text. Furthermore, it is through oral tradition that we best come to personal application and understanding of the tradition. I emphasize cohort style, conversational, all questions are great learning: this isn’t a lecture but a community of practioners. This isn’t a dead book but an life experience yoga practioners (and teachers) should go through. This is not offered in teacher trainings. This is the old way that is the eternal way of yoga transmission.
Will recordings be available? Yes, for one week to accommodate time zones and life continengieces. But only for one week as it is important to realize this is a living, experiential thing rather than a commodified one. This is not about content.
What translation should I use? None. The translations are more like interpretations of the text, not the text. We will look at the Sanskrit together, and I will provide handouts frequently, so that you end up with your own book. Most of the content of the Sūtras is NOT IN THE TRANSLATIONS, but in the examples, practices, and models handed down student to teacher.
Are there sliding scale options? Yes. If you have questions about how this works, please read this.
Is there homework? Yes. Each week I will suggest that you do a little state change (personal practice) and then sit with a reflection. This ‘homework’ should only take you 10 minutes. I’d like you to do it once during the week. More is often interesting but is not required. I will not be telling you all to do the same āsana practice, but assuming you are doing an appropriate to you practice. If you want guidance and mentorship in that, I am available for 1:1.
How do I connect to other members? We’ll be hosting everything on Mighty Networks, which is like social media in that you can post, chat, or message each other at any time. Unlike social media, it is a gated community that has been asked to be mindful of gender, whiteness, and cultural appropriation issues. I hold the community sacred and reserve the right to remove folks who aren’t respectful. This platform is participatory and social without the toxicity of algorithms, advertising, and violent comment sections.
Is this authentic yoga? I believe it is possible to both find integrity and depth in traditional teachings - there IS a there, there - and at the same time understand the context of changing culture. We can do better than merely uphold ‘lineage’ or throw it out entirely. We can see that science and social justice do not have to conflict with or take away from spirituality. We do not need to continue with oppressive practices. We can hold these tensions in a way that helps us live our own lives and make sense of it, and ourselves, to ourselves. That, I believe, is what authenticity means.
What makes you qualified to teach this? I have studied the sūtras 1:1 for more than ten years within the Desikachar lineage. I was charged by my teachers at Rtambhara Ashram to offer my own courses.
Mariah Nicole Photography