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& Mental Health

There is a great need in our world for solace.  

While most people come to a yoga practice with physical concerns, what most people find is less a physical revelation than a soulful one.  Through the body, we heal our own hearts.

In a world that is increasingly conflicted, such soulful practices are a balm.

Yoga can help.

Please know that you deserve, help.  I do not teach that yoga can fix people (they aren't broken), nor do I believe that simply joining a yoga studio is always enough.  The greatest thing I've done for some students is refer them to hospital, treatment, or support groups.  The greatest thing yoga did for me was empower me to do what I needed to do to heal.

If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, immediately. This 24-hour service is available to anyone in need of help. Never ignore or underestimate remarks about suicide. If you think a friend is in immediate danger, do not leave her alone—stay there and call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).