Bṛṃhaṇa practice
Link āsana, prāṇayama, and mantra together in this hour long, building sequence. Consider this video a tutorial, and then the idea is you take the sequence, mantra, and pranayama into a deeper exploration / sādhana or svādhyaya many times over the course of some time. That is, use the video to learn and then repeat many times on your own. When you do it on your own, it will go more quickly because there won’t be explanation all throughout. Further, you’ll be with yourself/by yourself, which tends to become more honest, interesting in ways, deep in other ways. Focus less on ‘alignment’ and more on feeling. Recognize that these āsana are chosen to do something with breath; so you can do the same ‘pose’ in a chair, with ‘bigger’ or ‘softer’ leg positions, etc.
Langhana practice
Use the same gāyatri in a langhana orientation. As always, practice this several times. If you can, get to a point where you can do it without my instruction.
Samāna practice
Coming soon.