Suggested anatomy coloring book homework: (page numbers from 3rd edition, they will be close but maybe not exactly the same in other editions).
pg 27 Vertebral Column
pg 29 Lumbar, Sacral & Coccygeal Vertebrae
pg 30 Bony Thorax
pg 31 Pectoral Girdle & Arm Bone
pg 33 Forearm Bones
pg 37 Hip Bone, Pelvic Girdle & Pelvis
pg 40 Thigh & Leg Bones
pg 44 Mechanics of Movement (only the bottom section)
pg 50 Muscles of the Thorax & Posterior Abdominal Wall
pg 51 Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall & Inguinal Region
pg 54 Muscles of Scapular Stabilization
pg 55 Muscles of Musculotendinous Cuff
pg 56 Movers of Shoulder Joint
pg 57 Movers of Elbow & Radioulnar Joints
pg 61 Muscles of the Gluteal Regions
pg 62 Muscles of the Posterior Thigh
pg 63 Muscles of the Medial Thigh
pg 64 Muscles of the Anterior Thigh
pg 65 Muscles of the Anterior & Lateral Leg
pg 66 Muscles of the Posterior Leg
pg 135 Mechanisms of Respiration